Hip & Knee Pain

Welcome to "Everything You Need to Know About Hip and Knee Pain"!

Are you experiencing discomfort in your knees or hips? Worried about sudden buckling or sharp hip pains? We understand how pain in these areas can disrupt your daily life. Fortunately, physical therapy can help you safely and effectively address the root cause of your hip and knee pain.

We prioritize your well-being by providing expert care without relying on harmful drugs or surgery. Our team is here to assist you in relieving your hip and knee pain altogether. Request an appointment with Fit to Move Physical Therapy and Wellness to relieve your hip and knee pain altogether, sparing you the need for potentially harmful medication or surgical correction.

Why are you experiencing hip and/or knee pain?

Hip and knee pain can occur individually or together. It's important to note that these two areas are interconnected. Your hip bone is connected to your knee bone, and what happens in one can impact the other. Your hip is a ball-and-socket joint that supports the weight of your upper body, relying on various muscles and tissues to ensure mobility and stability. On the other hand, your knee is a hinge joint designed for forward and backward movements. Proper functioning of both joints allows complex motions, such as standing, walking, running, and dancing, without any imbalance.

Hip and knee pain may originate within the joints themselves or be a result of an underlying condition in other parts of your body. As part of the same kinetic chain, the hip and knee joints work together to support weight and maintain proper body posture. However, if one part of this chain is out of balance, it can cause stress and deterioration in another.

Discovering the Secrets of Hip and Knee Pain:

When it comes to hip and knee pain, understanding the common diseases, disorders, and injuries they share is crucial. Overuse injuries like tendinitis and chronic muscle strain plague both the hips and knees due to constant usage. Acute injuries such as sprains, strains, and dislocations can also occur in these joints.

Interestingly, hip and knee pain can be interrelated, often caused by a pinched sciatic nerve that travels through both regions. Moreover, imbalances in posture or gait can lead to abnormal stresses and premature wear and tear, resulting in painful arthritic symptoms.

While some painful conditions are specific to one joint, others may affect both. For instance, hip pain can be attributed to cartilage injuries known as labral tears, while the knee joint may suffer from bursitis, an inflammation of the bursa sacs. However, instability in the hips can also impact the knees. Tight hip flexor muscles and weak gluteus medius muscles can unknowingly cause inward hip rotation, leading to painful issues such as iliotibial band friction syndrome or patellofemoral stress syndrome, which stresses the knee or kneecap.

Other conditions that can lead to hip and knee pain include:

  • Piriformis Syndrome

  • Hip Pain and Thigh Pain

  • Sciatica

  • Osteoarthritis of The Hip

  • Trochanteric Bursitis

  • Sprains / Strains


When you visit us, our skilled therapists will conduct a comprehensive examination of your hip and/or knee, assessing for any misalignment or structural damage. We'll also assess your stance, posture, gait, and range of motion to pinpoint areas that may be contributing to your pain. With our personalized physical therapy plans, we aim to relieve unnatural stresses and strains on your joints.

Tailored exercises will be prescribed to target joint pain and stabilize weak hips and knees. Depending on your condition, we may even incorporate exercises designed to strengthen your core muscles, including the lower back, lower abdominal, and pelvic muscles. These core exercises will help improve your posture and distribute weight evenly across your body.

In addition to targeted exercises, our therapists may recommend specialized treatments like mobilizations to enhance joint movement or other soft tissue treatments that promote healing. We're committed to finding the most effective solutions for your specific needs.

Ready to take a stand against hip and knee pain? Request an appointment with our dedicated Plano, TX physical therapists today. Start your journey towards long-lasting pain relief and let your hips and knees thank you!