Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, Fit to Move Physical Therapy and Wellness is here to provide the relief you need to start feeling better. Our team of trained physical therapists in Plano, TX specialize in car accident injury recovery and possess the necessary tools to help you recover from all types of motor vehicle injuries.

Now, let's delve into the types of injuries that often occur after an auto accident. Among these, head and back injuries are typically the most severe. Head injuries can lead to vision problems, skull fractures, and concussions. Symptoms of a concussion may include dizziness and headaches. Another common car accident injury is a herniated disk. Additionally, neck and chest injuries are frequently seen, with whiplash being the most common accident injury. Whiplash can be extremely painful and restrict movement. The sudden movement of the neck and head during a car accident can cause this condition. Blunt force trauma from a car accident can also result in collapsed lungs and broken ribs.

Indeed, car accidents can lead to a wide variety of injuries. For a speedier recovery, it is highly recommended to engage in physical therapy treatments at Fit to Move Physical Therapy and Wellness.

You may wonder how physical therapy can help after a car accident.

Following a car accident, you may experience pain, reduced range of motion, headaches, or stiffness. There are multiple reasons to undergo physical therapy after a car crash, as it supports the recovery process and can also prevent long-term damage such as migraines and chronic pain.

It is important to note that not all symptoms may appear immediately after a car accident. Physical therapy can help manage pain symptoms, improve flexibility, increase strength, and expedite recovery. The sooner you begin physical therapy after a car wreck, the higher the chance of living a pain-free life. In fact, a study conducted by Medscape revealed that individuals who did not receive physical therapy were significantly more likely to suffer from degenerative disc disease.


Specific benefits of physical therapy after a motor vehicle accident include:

Pain Reduction: Physical therapy aids in alleviating pain-

Therapeutic exercises promote healing by increasing oxygen, blood, and nutrients to the injury site. Each exercise and stretch prescribed by our physical therapist in Plano, TX serves a specific goal for recovery, enhancing function and mobility. Your personalized treatment plan will be tailored to address your car injury and facilitate your overall healing process.

Restoring Function and Healing: Discover the Benefits of Physical Therapy-

Did you know that physical therapy can effectively restore function in patients with old car accident injuries, even if it happened years ago? Whether you're currently experiencing pain or mobility issues, our comprehensive physical therapy approach can make a real difference.

Say Goodbye to Vertigo: Fast and Effective Treatment-

At Fit to Move Physical Therapy and Wellness, our skilled therapists can even treat vertigo resulting from a car accident. In just one session, we can address any dysfunctions in your vestibular system, providing you with the relief you deserve.

Avoid Surgery: Strengthen and Protect Your Body-

Did you know that physical therapy can help you avoid surgery?

By strengthening your ligaments, tendons, and muscles, we offer a cost-effective and non-invasive solution to protect your body's structures, allowing you to regain your strength and mobility.

Comprehensive and Personalized Treatment Options-

Our dedicated team of physical therapists specializes in various treatments to address motor vehicle accident injuries. From massage therapy, manual manipulation, and ultrasound to targeted exercises and aquatic therapy, we offer a holistic approach to healing. We also provide services for pulmonary rehab, neurological rehab, cardiovascular conditions, orthopedic issues, and post-op care.

Get Started on Your Recovery Journey Today!

If you're in Plano, TX and suffering from a car accident injury, there's no need to delay anymore. Request an appointment with Fit to Move Physical Therapy and Wellness and let our trained physical therapists guide you towards a full recovery. Many others have successfully overcome their injuries, and we're here to help you too.