Neuromuscular Training

Neuromuscular Training is an effective technique used by physical therapists to restore optimal body movement patterns. Your nerves and muscles work in harmony, communicating signals between each other and the brain to coordinate precise, efficient movements. Through the process of learning and memory retention, muscle movement patterns become ingrained in our system. However, when nerves or muscles are compromised due to trauma or underlying medical conditions, these patterns can be disrupted. In such cases, physical therapists employ Neuromuscular re-education as a powerful method to help patients regain their normal movement capabilities. Let us guide you through this transformative journey towards renewed strength and mobility. Take the first step and discover the benefits of Neuromuscular Training today.

Engaging in neuromuscular re-education involves various techniques and exercises aimed at restoring normal movement patterns and proprioception. Through manual techniques like PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation), activities for balance and core control, and therapeutic exercises, we can address symptoms, improve posture, and enhance muscle function.

When patients experience pain, inflammation, or swelling due to surgery or injury, it can lead to diminished neuromuscular control and abnormal movement. By re-establishing proper kinesthetic sense and proprioception in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine, and appendicular skeleton, we can alleviate symptoms and restore optimal function.

Many of our patients may also experience tenderness and limited joint motion. It's important to note that joints require full range of motion to maintain functionality. Without proper treatment, weakness and functional limitations may develop over time. Addressing any loss of motion and strength is crucial to eliminate symptoms and correct underlying issues. However, it's important to prioritize the re-education of the nervous system before focusing on developing adequate strength and motion. This essential step ensures the re-establishment of "normal" movement patterns.

At Fit to Move Physical Therapy and Wellness, we understand the importance of neuromuscular re-education in patient rehabilitation. By employing proper techniques, activities, and exercises tailored to the injured body part, we prevent acute injuries from turning into chronic issues.

We take a holistic approach, considering the patient as a whole, and addressing all aspects of dysfunction to help them achieve their maximum rehabilitation potential. Our goal is to empower patients to perform all their functional activities to the best of their abilities.

Ready to take the first step towards optimal rehabilitation? Request your appointment today and embark on your journey to wellness.