Running Injury

Calling all runners! Whether you're hitting the trails, training for a marathon, or enjoying a neighborhood jog, maintaining proper form and technique is crucial. At Fit to Move Physical Therapy and Wellness, our mission is to optimize your function, prevent injuries, and help you reach your full potential in your beloved sport. Join us on this journey to a healthier and more fulfilling running experience. Let's reach new heights together!

Check out these 5 tips to level up your running mechanics:

Pelvic Alignment: It's not just about your feet! Proper pelvic alignment is crucial for optimal running. You can assess your pelvic position using simple tests like vertical compression and hip extension. If you find any misalignment, don't worry! Our expert physical therapists in Plano, TX can guide you through postural improvement.

Base of Support: Foot placement matters! Research shows that your left and right feet shouldn't overlap when making ground contact. Having space between foot placements is key. A narrow base of support increases the risk of painful conditions like tibial stress fractures and iliotibial band syndrome.

Cadence: Did you know that adjusting your cadence can protect you from injuries? A study from the National Institutes of Health revealed that a quicker cadence can help you hit midfoot, reducing the risk of pain or injury. To boost your cadence, try lengthening your strides. Your hips and knees will thank you!

Heel Strike: Are you a heel striker while running? Surprisingly, around 80% of runners strike the ground with their heels first, while 15% opt for toe striking, and the remaining 5% prefer running on the balls of their feet. Interestingly, the majority have it right – heel striking uses less energy compared to forefoot or midfoot striking. This not only prevents fatigue but also reduces the risk of overexertion injuries. If you've been feeling exhausted during your runs, why not try easing into heel striking? Kick off your run by landing on your heels instead of your toes. You might experience a significant boost in energy and overall performance!

Vertical Displacement: Technique plays a vital role in running performance – and one aspect to consider is vertical displacement. Essentially, vertical displacement refers to the up-and-down movement of your center of mass while running. When your vertical displacement is inadequate, it can result in an early touchdown of your swing leg or a low center of mass trajectory. Conversely, excessive vertical displacement can lead to unnecessary energy expenditure. Both situations can be rectified by adjusting your stride, and our team of expert physical therapists in Plano, TX can help you with that.

Get in Touch with Us Today!

Are you ready to achieve your peak level of running performance?

Reach out to our dedicated Plano, TX physical therapy practice today! At Fit to Move Physical Therapy and Wellness, we specialize in examining your running mechanics to identify ways to improve efficiency and boost performance while reducing the risk of injury. Don't hesitate – Request an Appointment now to discover how you can unlock your highest running potential!