Joint Mobilization

What is joint mobilization?

You have hundreds of joints in your body, each with its own unique structure and function. From "hinge joints" in your elbows to "ball and socket joints" in your hips, these joints play a vital role in supporting your movement and enhancing functionality.

Our highly trained physical therapists have attained advanced certifications in manual therapy. One manual therapy technique often used during treatment is known as joint mobilization. This treatment approach involves skillfully applying force, direction, and technique to passively move specific joints. Our experienced physical therapists use their hands or tools like straps to provide the desired treatment effect.

The specific type, magnitude, speed, and frequency of joint mobilization depend on various factors, including treatment goals, the targeted joint, and your individual anatomy. Joint mobilizations yield several benefits, such as reducing pain, improving range of motion, and enhancing the quality of joint movement itself (referred to as arthrokinematics).

Are you curious about which conditions can benefit from joint mobilization?

Allow us to shed some light on this topic. At times, joints can be inflamed or swollen due to factors such as injury, stress, poor posture, repetitive movement, or even aging-related wear and tear. Consequently, the affected joint may experience restricted movement, causing stiffness and pain. In addition, nearby muscles, tendons, and ligaments can become tense or injured as they attempt to support or stabilize the afflicted joint, potentially leading to muscle weakness, impingement, and nerve damage.

While not all patients may benefit from joint mobilization, our skilled and experienced physical therapists can determine if it's the right approach for you or your loved one. Our physical therapy team has successfully managed various conditions through joint mobilizations, including:

  • Sciatica and other types of nerve impingement syndromes

  • Arthritis, particularly in the shoulder, spine, elbow, hip, and knee

  • Rotator cuff tears and sprains

  • Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)

  • Medial or lateral epicondylitis (golfer’s or tennis elbow, respectively)

  • Ankle sprains

  • Facet joint locking and other spinal misalignments

It's important to note that joint issues often serve as underlying factors for other injuries and ailments like muscle strains, ligament damage, and bursitis. That's why we strongly recommend consulting with a physical therapist for any acute or chronic dysfunction. Your joints could be contributing to your pain without your awareness.

Are you curious about what to expect during a joint mobilization treatment with a physical therapist?

When you visit our clinic, we'll start with a thorough examination to assess your range of motion, strength, coordination, pain level, posture, and more. This information will help us accurately diagnose your condition and create a personalized treatment plan to meet your specific needs. Joint mobilization techniques have been proven effective for various conditions, so it's likely that we'll incorporate this manual therapy into your care.

To prepare for your physical therapy session, remember to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. Your privacy and comfort are our highest priorities, and our therapist will guide you on how to sit or lie during the session. They will also explain what sensations you may experience and provide instructions on post-session care to maximize the effects and prevent recurring pain or dysfunction. In addition to joint mobilizations, we'll teach you therapeutic exercises, offer modalities, and provide postural and neuromuscular retraining to complement and optimize your treatment.

Still uncertain if joint mobilization is right for you? Reach out to our Plano, TX clinic today. Our friendly staff is here to answer your questions, assist with scheduling, and educate you about the wide range of physical therapy services we offer. Don't let joint or muscle pain hold you back - contact Fit to Move Physical Therapy and Wellness to begin your healing journey today.

Please schedule an appointment today and take the first step towards your well-being.